If you’re a regular Valet. reader, then it's safe to say you're a stylish guy. You care about your clothes and how you present yourself to the world. And while you no doubt invest good money in your wardrobe, you might be missing out on some non-clothing essentials that you should definitely have stocked in your closet. Call it your wardrobe tool kit: Items that you need to have on hand to help ensure you look your best before stepping out for the day or before a big night out.


Cirrus 3 iron steamer,
$180 by Steamery
The easiest way to revive a garment that's wrinkled or simply been stuffed in the back of your closet for a while. This award-winning model actually combines the functionality of a traditional clothes steamer with an iron to achieve a smooth, wrinkle-free look with pressed collars and cuffs. Designed with an ergonomic and minimalist silhouette, this steamer is also unique in that it produces a special kind of high-quality, dry steam so you can wear the clothes immediately after steaming.

Oiled wood shoe horn,
$30 by Redecker
Shoe Horn
Don't stuff your feet into your shoes, glide them in using an old fashioned shoe horn. These are ideal for sturdier dress shoes and loafers, but also help preserve the shape of your sneakers—especially high-tops. This one, from the renowned German brand Burstenhaus Redecker, was discovered by Sid Mashburn and he swears by the long-handled wooden design.
Lint Roller /
Clothes BrushThis is a no-brainer, but you want a lint roller close so that once you're finished dressing, you can give yourself a once-over in the mirror and make sure any loose threads, lint and pet fur can be removed quickly. We like this one from MUJI because it's compact and has a handy outer case that lets you store it vertically. Of course, if you don't want the mess of replacing the adhesive roll, you could go for a more traditional option: a stiff bristle brush that doesn't pick up everything but does a good job of cleaning up pants, suit jacket and overcoats.

Rechargeable fabric shaver,
$29.99 by Conair
Fabric Shaver
A fabric shaver is one of those tools that you don't think is all that necessary, but once you have it, you see just how magical the thing is. When certain fabrics rub together, they form little balls of fuzz (this is known as pilling). That can make a garment look old and sloppy. Simply run this over the area and it shaves off all the pills, revealing a smooth, like-new surface. It works wonders on sweaters, the underarms of shirts and the seat of some pants.

Cedar shoe trees,
$54.95 / $47.95 by Woodlore
Shoe Trees
Sure these look great in a closet, but the real reasons why you should employ shoe trees are purely functional. First, they will help your shoes keep their shape and avoid creasing of the leather. Second, after a long day of walking, some shoe trees will absorb any moisture in shoes and will fight odors.
Organize Your Closet
A well organized closet will not only allow you to better know what you have, but it will make getting dressed in the morning easy and efficient.