It’s no surprise that waking up in the morning can set the tone for the entire day. But for many of us, it's a struggle to drag themselves out of bed, while others seem to spring into action with boundless energy. What's the secret to waking up effectively and feeling refreshed? Because here's an inconvenient truth: We can't always get more time back at the end of the day, so if you need more time—for work, fitness or a hobby—getting up a little earlier is the answer.

Quality SleepThe foundation to waking up well begins the night before. The Sleep Foundation's experts recommend going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. “A consistent sleep schedule helps regulate the body's internal clock, which influences the sleep-wake cycle, a set of physical processes that cause one to feel sleepy at night and awake in the morning.” Adults typically need seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep for optimal functioning.
Find Your Optimal
Wake-Up TimeEveryone's body has a unique circadian rhythm. Some people are naturally early risers, while others function better later in the day. Identifying when your body is most ready to wake up can make the process smoother. If possible, try waking up without an alarm to sync with your natural rhythm. If not, experiment to find the best wake-up time that aligns with your sleep cycles. And avoid that snooze button.

Use Light
As a SignalExposure to natural light in the morning signals your brain to stop producing melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep, and helps you feel more awake. As soon as you wake, open the curtains or blinds. Or step outside for a quick, five-minute walk. Intentional sun exposure in the first 30 to 60 minutes after waking has been shown to increase alertness, boost mood and lower stress. If it's gloomy (or just a season of darkness like winter), turn on the lights or consider a sunrise alarm clock that mimics natural light for a gentler wake-up experience.
Move Your Body
Get up and get your blood flowing. Physical activity in the morning can shake off grogginess and boost your energy levels. This doesn't mean an intense workout is necessary—just gentle stretches, some yoga moves, or a short walk can be enough to get your blood flowing and wake up your muscles. But, of course, getting in a workout first thing ensures that it won't be derailed by unexpected things later in the day.

Hydrate Immediately
Dehydration can contribute to feelings of fatigue. Since your body loses water while you sleep, starting your day with a glass of water can replenish your system and help you feel more alert. Some like it ice cold, others prefer room temp or even slightly warmed water. For an added boost, consider lemon water for a refreshing beverage that also boosts your vitamin C intake.
Cultivate a
Morning RitualHaving a set morning routine can provide structure and motivation to get out of bed. Whether it's journaling, brewing your favorite coffee, or spending a few quiet minutes reflecting on your goals, a morning ritual creates a sense of purpose and sets a positive tone for the day.
Fuel Your
Body WiselyA nutritious breakfast provides the energy you need to start your day. We all know this. But it can sometimes feel like a drag to prepare or even take the time to eat. But focus on a balanced combination of protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. This not only stabilizes blood sugar levels, but keeps you energized until your next meal.
Mastering the art of waking up isn't about forcing yourself out of bed, but creating conditions that make mornings enjoyable and productive. By prioritizing rest, embracing rituals, and respecting your body's natural rhythms, you can transform how you start your day—and set yourself up for success.
The Sunrise
Alarm Clock

Restore 2, $169.99 by Hatch
A sunrise alarm clock supports your natural circadian rhythm. The dimmable clock keeps your room dark and your mind quiet. Tap anywhere on the device to peek at the time.