Rizz has become something of a buzzword lately, but there's more to the concept than mere internet slang. Charisma has always been important for men to succeed. George Clooney has it. So did Steve Jobs. Look at how Obama interacts with anyone. Tom Holland claimed recently that he doesn't have any, but that's not true. In fact, Men's Health called him the “rizzmaster.”

Remember, this isn't about looks. It's about exuding a certain, seemingly effortless cool—a charm that puts people at ease and a magnetism that makes people want to be around you. It's a great quality to have: you make a good first impression with others, you capture their attention and often leave them with a lasting impression.
Sounds pretty good, right? The good news is that while certain types of guys are just born with charisma, it's also completely possible to build and strengthen your rizz muscles. Here's how to unlock your charisma and let it shine through.
Carry Yourself
With ConfidenceYour posture and overall body language will speak volumes, even before you open your mouth. You want to look confident yet approachable. Maintain an open and friendly posture. Don't cross your arms and don't put both hands in your pockets. Whether you're walking into a room or simply strolling down the street, keep your head up, your back straight—look at the environment around you. Don't stare down at your feet or bury your face in your phone. Even in moments of downtime, resting in quiet confidence is a whole lot cooler than playing a game on your phone or scrolling social media.

Listen More
Than You SpeakYou'll learn a lot this way. Ask questions, then maintain eye contact and respond nonverbally—nod, smile and emote naturally. Just don't add in your two cents (just yet). That's all it takes to convey to other people that you're genuinely listening and that gives them a feeling of importance. This also helps us feel like we all have something in common—that's a powerful emotion.

Put Your
Stuff AwayCharisma is about connecting with people. You can't connect if you're distracted by devices or other things. Don't check your phone. Don't glance at your monitor. Don't fuss with your watch or jacket buttons—you don't want to focus on anything else, even for a moment. Only the people in front of you. Guys with rizz give the gift of full attention. People staying present is so rare today that this gift alone will make others want to be around you and remember you.
Develop Your
Conversational SkillsThink of politicians on the campaign trail or a leading man making a talk show appearance. They're warm and interesting but also make sure to project an authentic interest in others. If you're heading somewhere new, make sure you've got an anecdote to tell (should the opportunity arise). And if you're looking to think faster on your feet, you could always try an improv class or join a local Toastmasters club to practice your speaking skills.
The Secret to
Being More InterestingThis isn't about acting self-important. The only people impressed by pretentious bragging are other dull, pretentious people. Everyone else is uncomfortable. No, the secret to being more interesting is to cultivate your passions. Charismatic individuals often have various interests and deep understanding of something that radiates naturally through their words and actions. While others are mindlessly scrolling on their phone, you could be taking a cooking class, reading a book about the Roman Empire or volunteering at an animal shelter. You'll be surprised at how these passions come up in conversation and how it will draw people to you.
About Receiving)
(Without Worrying
Never think about what you can get. Focus on what you can provide. Giving is the only way to establish a real connection and relationship.