Without getting into the numbers, you should probably be having more sex. We don't prescribe to the strange edict that any couple should be having it regularly, three times a week—who came up with that arbitrary number? After all, it's a delicate balance, right? You should be smashing as much as you like to feel hot and satisfied, but you don't have to hit some quota to prove anything to anyone.
But we'll never object to having more sex—in any and all of its many iterations: Morning sex, shower sex, hotel sex, back-seat-of-the-car-sex, anniversary sex, birthday sex, role-play sex, make-up sex, threesomes, even sweet run-of-the-mill quickies. And there are actually some physiological benefits and health perks to getting it on.
It Reduces Stress
Sure, this is somewhat of a no-brainer. But the physical reason why an orgasm makes you blissful is because your body is flooded with with all sorts of feel-good chemicals (from oxytocin to dopamine) a few minutes after you climax. And that soothing vibe continues if you cuddle afterwards, since post-coital close contact helps keep them coming while reducing the stress hormone cortisol. And studies show that both men and women who have sex regularly have greater satisfaction with their mental health and reduced anxiety.
It Helps You Sleep
(and Boosts Testosterone)
Prolactin, a hormone that relaxes you, is also released after an orgasm. The combination of prolactin and all the rest of the “feel-good” hormones (not to mention the energy expelled) are why most people sleep better after sex. And while you could just jerk off before bed, science suggests having an orgasm with a partner if possible. Research has shown that the level of prolactin in both men and women after intercourse can be “400% greater than that following masturbation.” And, it should be noted, men require a good period of restful, uninterrupted sleep to produce testosterone. Without that, they could have lower levels of testosterone and suffer erectile dysfunction.
It Strengthens
Your ImmunityIn the book Feeling Good Is Good For You, researcher Carl Charnetski mentions a study he and other scientists conducted at Wilkes University. They asked more than 100 men and women about their frequency of sex and measured the level of an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA), which can protect against colds and flu. Those who had sex once or twice a week had higher IgA readings than those who had sex less than once a week or not at all. Found in mucous membranes within your respiratory, as well as in your saliva and tears, IgA is your body's first line of defense to fight off sickness, according to John Hopkins Medicine. So the more of it you produce, the better you'll be able to fight off an infection. And as an added bonus, frequent ejaculation also lowers your prostate cancer risk, according to a study from the Boston University of Public Health.
It’s Good for
Your PenisPractice makes perfect, right? Put more simply: The more sex you have, the better your sexual functioning will be. In a five-year Finnish survey of nearly 1,000 men, those who got some action just once a week were half as likely to develop erectile dysfunction than men who got lucky less often. But this goes for both partnered or solo sex, so you can take care of this one on your own.
It Sharpens
Your BrainThere's probably a joke about “post-nut clarity” somewhere here. Studies have shown that keeping your sex life active protects and even improves your brain's executive functioning and recall, especially as you age. Other studies found that sex improves your performance in short-term memory tests. Some scientists believe it's because sex boosts brain cell growth in areas of the brain associated with memory, while others suggest it's because of that blissful afterglow that pumps our bodies full of dopamine and oxytocin. See? Post-nut clarity.
It Makes You
Look YoungerIf you regularly get busy, you'll not only feel great but you'll look better too. So much, for expensive serums. Just invest in quality bedding. David Weeks is a clinical neuropyschologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland and co-author of Secrets of the Superyoung. He and his team conducted a decade-long study involving more than 3,500 people and found that both men and women who reported having sex an average of four times a week looked much younger than their biological age. We're talking approximately 10 years younger than they really were.
It Enhances
Your IntimacyNo surprise here, but if you want more affection in your relationship, you have to dial up the sex. A series of four studies of committed couples in the U.S. and Switzerland found that having sex regularly created more shared affection between the couple—not only in the moments after sexual intimacy but hours later. This proved true even in couples with children or those married long past the “honeymoon period.” What's more, the effects were still evident six months later.
How Many Calories
Does Sex Burn?

It won’t replace your time at the gym, but men burn around 100 calories during the average sex session, which, according to research from the University of Montreal, lasts about 25 minutes.