Finding time to work out can feel impossible when juggling work, family, social commitments, and everyday responsibilities. However, we know that working exercise into our daily routine is essential for both physical and mental health. The reality is that for a lot of people, a hectic everyday routine means that exercise just doesn't make the cut as a priority.

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise every week. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 20% of adults in the U.S. actually get enough exercise each week. While you shouldn't beat yourself up over a few missed workouts, making a habit of skipping exercise can lead to health problems in the future.
So how do you fit exercise into a busy schedule? The key is to plan strategically and make fitness a non-negotiable part of your life. Here's how you can find the time to prioritize your health and well-being.

Make Exercise the First Priority of the Day
This means you should aim to do everything in your power to get up early and workout before you get caught up in the daily grind, says Corey Calliet, a celebrity trainer and body transformation specialist. Morning exercise can take some getting used to, but it ensures that your workouts never get squeezed out by work, family life or other commitments. The easiest way to do this is simply to set your alarm for 30 or 45 minutes earlier and get in a quick, bodyweight workout at home. An added bonus is that the nutritionists say that exercising early in the morning, on an empty stomach, is also a great way to boost your metabolism.
Rethink Your
Lunch BreakIf you just can't manage to get up before the sun, schedule a lunchtime workout. If you have a flexible lunch-hour, use that freedom to get to the gym, or you can simply pack your tennis shoes and take a brisk walk outside. You'll find that when you return to your desk, both your mind and body are both refreshed and ready to tackle your afternoon tasks. You can then quickly eat your lunch or down a protein shake.

Sneak in
Workout SnacksCalliet also suggests adding little bursts of exercise throughout your day to make every movement count. When possible, opt to take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you drive, don't park your car in that tempting spot right in front of the building. Instead, park it further away so you get to walk more. And if you live less than five miles away from where you work, try running or biking to work (especially if there's a bathroom set up that lets you clean up before getting down to business). You can even commit to doing exercises while watching TV: Jumping jacks, push-ups, lunges and squats can all be done while binging a new series.
Combine Social Time
With FitnessInstead of meeting friends for coffee or drinks, suggest activities like hiking, yoga, or attending a fitness class together. This lets you catch up while staying active. The same goes at home—if family obligations consume much of your time, turn workouts into family activities. Go for a walk or bike ride together, or play an active game. This approach not only benefits your health but also strengthens family bonds.
Don’t Forget About
the WeekendTake full advantage of your time off. If you snuck in a small workout during the week, use your weekend for a more robust fitness activity. Plan a long bike ride or hike. Sign-up for a class or simply hit the gym for a good, long full-body set. Or you can go to a pool and put in time swimming laps and relaxing in the hot tub afterwards. The key is to make it an activity that you're looking forward to doing. Do it on Saturday to give yourself Sunday to relax and recover.
The Optimal Time
to Workout

Several studies found that your body's ability to perform peaks in the afternoon. Your body temperature increases throughout the day, optimizing your muscle function and strength, enzyme activity, and endurance for performance. Between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., your body temperature is at its highest. This potentially makes it the most effective time of day to work out.