Style Strategies
⇾ Josh Peskowitz,
Ultimate Menswear Insider
Where does he shop,
how does he save and
what’s on his wishlist?

Whenever you Google Josh Peskowitz, you see a lot of street-style photos of him snapped all over the world, in luxurious overcoats, bold prints and perfect relaxed-fitting tailoring. It's clear this is a guy who's comfortable taking risks. But it's more than just his sense of style. He's often a few steps ahead of the rest of us—championing emerging brands or co-founding a shop that was distinctly for the “fashion heads”. He has an extensive and enviable career in the fashion space as a fashion director and editor for everyone from Bloomingdale's, and Moda Operandi to Esquire. Now he's putting all that know-how to good use by guiding brands to bigger and better things with The Untitled Group. The man they call Pesko has seen it all, worn it all, and has collaborated with some of the best designers out there. We had to know where he's been shopping, what brands he's watching and what he refuses to spend money on.

Describe your style
in five words or less.
Does it make me smile?

The Ram Island short,
$105 by Manresa
What are you shopping for at the moment?
Some new sunglasses from Garrett Leight. And a pair of Ram island shorts from Manresa, that's about all I need right now.
You’ve worked in editorial and in retail. How’d that experience lead to what you're doing with Untitled Group?
My career has been a succession of new experiences that have occupied the same realm, but I've never done the same job twice. I've often joked that I've never taken a job that I knew how to do. All my experiences from building window displays to reviewing runway shows to developing e-commerce websites help me understand the challenges and opportunities fashion and luxury businesses have now.
Can you give us a little more insight on what the company does?
Untitled Group is an investment firm focused on the luxury, fashion and wellness sectors. The idea is to partner with innovative companies, founders and creative teams to help them take their companies to the next level of success.
Do you remember the first coat that started the #coatchronicles?
Damn, I don't. There's just been too many. But please note that I'd been trying on coats for a long time before I photographed one—like approaching decades. So much so that I am now designing them with Sannino Napoli.
What’s one item that every man needs in his closet?
I guess it would be pretty out-of-character if I didn't say a trench coat, right?
What’s one item that you
cannot part with?
I have a plaid short-sleeve button-front shirt from Stüssy from 1997. When I bought it, I realized those T-shirt companies could grow into something else, and so could I.
Three brands you’re
watching right now.
4SDesigns, 45R (forever) and Stoffa.
Do you tend to shop more
online or in person?
In person, whenever I can. I like seeing how they are merchandised, what the displays look like and who is wearing what. I guess I just like being in stores—that's why it's my job.

Studio double knee pant,
$155 by 18 East
Do you ever buy things in multiples?
Double knee pants from 18 East. They are light and came in some nice bright colors this spring.
What city has the best shopping?
Tokyo has the best shopping of any city. There are so many brands you will never see outside of Japan that have a huge presence there. Some of the best; most inventive merchandising and store builds can be found down a random alley. I buy everything I can in Tokyo. Just not shoes which, sadly, rarely go up to my size. I try to buy things when I travel that remind me of that place—and that you can't get anywhere else.
Necessary extravagance?
I do almost everything more extravagantly than I should. But I rarely skimp on food or wine.
What is something you refuse to spend a lot for?
Beer. I'll take a Miller High Life or a Presidenté over anything.
Which do you experience more:
buyer’s remorse or regret for not buying something?
Neither really. Well ... except for this one vintage Rolex I tried on in Paris a while back. I really should have done it.

45 Year Tale
Sorahikohime jean,
$522 by 45R
What was the last item you bought and really loved?
My wife just got me the 45R 45th anniversary jeans for my birthday. They are bangers.

Heavyweight pocket tee,$76 / $50 by Workware
Do you have a shopping hack you can let everyone know about?
I've found it hard to get T-shirts right. I like the ones from Standard Issue, but the best for me right now is made by the Hong Kong-based Workware. When the thick pocket tees go on sale, stock up and thank me later.