Lightweight Jacket Season Is Real (and It's Here)
Twelve of the coolest jackets for cooler weather

Calling all early adopters: Let's get these layers. Fall is nearly here, which is very good news for the style-minded. Because it means that we get to actually wear some damn layers, instead of merely pulling on the least amount of clothing in order not to overheat in the summer's unrelenting heat. You've seen the memes and the tweets declaring, "I can't wait for Fall, so I can really start dressing." They're funny because they're true.
Are we "rushing the season," as they say? Perhaps. But who cares? Weather patterns are wacky these days, and the stores have their fall wares out on the shelves, so why not stock up before all the best options are gone? Because once those cool breezes start blowing, you don't want to miss an opportunity to throw on a light jacket. It's the sartorial equivalent of a warm hug—it just feels damn good. What's more, the best ones this fall perfectly toe the line between dressed up and relaxed, which is the intersection at which we find menswear right now. From durable chore coats to textured truckers, here are our favorites at the moment, at prices to suit any man's budget.
Our Favorite
Men's Lightweight Jackets
Flight jacket,
$198 by Flint and Tinder
Flight jacket,
$198 by Flint and Tinder

Wool campus jacket,
$388 by Noah

Wool overshirt,
$225 by Mr P.

Stretch chore coat,
$128 by Wellen

Windowpane zippered shirt jacket,
$198.50 by Club Monaco

Twill chore coat,
$85 by Topman

When do we “Fall back?”
Daylight saving time ends on Sunday, November 3rd.