The cost if you were to buy everything on this page. Plus tax and some shipping costs.
20 Under $20
All the unbelievably priced goods the Valet. team wants to buy right now

Treat yourself to a little something. Just to take the edge off this wild summer we’re all enduring. After good style doesn’t always have to cost a lot. We had the Valet. team round up their favorite affordable finds—nothing over 20 bucks. Any of the following items will have you looking and feeling good while leaving you plenty of cash in your pocket.

Matte rim sunglasses,
$20 / $15 by UO

Water-resistant sport watch,
$25 / $13.79 by Casio

Cotton bucket hat,
$19 by Standard Cloth

Washed cotton bandana,
$12.50 / $9.99 by Madewell

Stretch joggers,
$29.99 / $19.99 by H&M

Classic pocket tee,
$39.50 / $19.99 by Polo Ralph Lauren

Sweet tea syrup,
$16 by Jack Rudy Cocktail Co.

Admiral crystal rocks glasses,
$17.99 by Viski
Opens and hermetically re-seals bottles
German-made bottle opener,
$8 by Hermetus
Great for video chats and online workouts
Tabletop tripod kit,
$17.99 by Linkcool

Canvas tote,
$20 / $16.98 by Levi's

Camo notebook set,
$18 / $9.95 by Paper Goods

Single-use black and white camera,
$13.97 by Ilford

Topanga Canyon room spray,
$18 by Juniper Ridge

Zeolite clay mint scrub bar,
$8 by Iron Lion Soap

Cold brew coffee bags,
$7.50 by Trade

Oversized polo,
$29.90 / $7.90 by Uniqlo

Striped crew socks,
$16 (for 3-pack) by Nike

Printed camp collar shirt,
$45 / $17.55 by Topman

Fleece shorts,
$12.99 by Goodfellow & Co.