The cost if you were to buy everything on this page. Plus tax and some shipping costs.
20 Under $20
All the unbelievably priced goods the Valet. team wants to buy right now

Start your weekend off right by treating yourself to a little something. We had the Valet. team round up their favorite affordable finds—nothing over 20 bucks. Any of the following items will have you looking and feeling good while leaving you plenty of cash in your pocket.

Square-frame sunglasses,$20 / $14 by Urban Outfitters

Seersucker ball cap,$25 / $12.50 by Vans

Classic digital watch,
$19.69 by Casio

Stretch easy shorts,
$19.90 / $14.90 by Uniqlo

Mattifying face moisturizer,
$18 by Horace

Air-purifying plant,
$18 by Rooted

Hand moisturizer,
$18 by Blind Barber

Sultan long-staple cotton towel,
$35 / $19.98 by Turkish Towels
Sultan long-staple cotton towel,
$35 / $19.98 by Turkish Towels

Boon chili sauce,
$18 by Boon

Leather and canvas apron bundle,
$19.98 by Superior Trading Co.

Smoked salt,
$13 by Jacobsen Salt Co.

Waterproof window pouch,$26 / $19.98 by Magpul

Stainless steel tray,$19.95 / $16.99 by CB2

Patterned shirt,
$17.99 by H&M

Cotton sport socks,$30 / $15 by Norse Projects

Retro logo tee,$25 / $17.50 by Nike

Cedar shoe freshener,
$12 by Jason Markk

Rapid speed jump rope,
$10.99 by Fretree

Chute mag water bottle,$12 / $9.96 by Camelbak

Colorblock tee,
$25 / $12 by Abercrombie & Fitch