The Morning Report The five best stories from around the web. Edited by Ronald Miller of Valet. Monday, November 19th Edition 1 Sexual Recession Despite more openness and more dating apps, young Americans are having less and less sex. By Instapaper Pocket 1 Sexual Recession Despite more openness and more dating apps, young Americans are having less and less sex. By Instapaper Pocket 2 Look Up NASA has released their own hype video announcing a return to the Moon and missions to Mars. By Instapaper Pocket 3 Cover Ya Neck Long ridiculed and mocked, the turtleneck sweater may be the most flattering option out there. By Instapaper Pocket 4 Tech Hubs The 50 most high-tech cities in the world probably put your town to fiber optic shame. By Instapaper Pocket 5 Good News? Bad News? Turns out, money advice is utterly worthless when you're poor. By Instapaper Pocket Advertisement