The Morning Report The five best stories from around the web. Edited by Ronald Miller of Valet. Monday, July 22nd Edition 1 Where Are the Space Cities?! 50 years ago we were promised space cities! Where are they? And what do we need to get a couple of skyscrapers on the moon? By Instapaper Pocket 1 Where Are the Space Cities?! 50 years ago we were promised space cities! Where are they? And what do we need to get a couple of skyscrapers on the moon? By Instapaper Pocket 2 Reading Is Sexy Books that'll take your sex life to new heights, and don't have a single mention of Kama Sutra. By Instapaper Pocket 3 Jeans, They Are-a Changing Those metal rivets in your denim? If environmentalists have anything to say about it, they could be gone along with many other inputs into the jean-making process. By Instapaper Pocket 4 iTunes Apocalypse The death of iTunes is imminent, but your well-curated music library should remain intact. Just in case, though, follow these steps for a proper backup. By Instapaper Pocket 5 Workwear for the Fairer Sex Celebrate women wearing traditional men's clothing, and take a few tips from 'em along the way. By Instapaper Pocket