The Morning Report The five best stories from around the web. Edited by Ronald Miller of Valet. Monday, July 15th Edition 1 New Streamers In Town A slew of new and better streaming services have marked an end to the golden age of streaming and the beginning of a new watching experience. By Instapaper Pocket 1 New Streamers In Town A slew of new and better streaming services have marked an end to the golden age of streaming and the beginning of a new watching experience. By Instapaper Pocket 2 Known Unknowns The best menswear brands that you've never heard of but need on your radar. By Instapaper Pocket 3 America's Weaklings America is, quite literally, losing its grip. A new study finds that grip strength is correlated with certain types of chronic sicknesses that seem to be occurring much more frequently. By Instapaper Pocket 4 Million Dollar Listings A weekly periodical that covers the country's biggest and most luxurious mansions for sale strikes the perfect balance between therapeutic envy and schadenfreude. By Instapaper Pocket 5 Spotify's Got Company Why is Amazon's subscription service growing three times as fast as Spotify and Apple Music? By Instapaper Pocket