Advertisement The Morning Report The five best stories from around the web. Tuesday, January 23rd Edition 1 Interiors Home furnishings that used to last for a decade or more fall apart much sooner now—think fast fashion for furniture. By Instapaper Pocket 1 Interiors Home furnishings that used to last for a decade or more fall apart much sooner now—think fast fashion for furniture. By Instapaper Pocket 2 Je T'imbs Here’s how Timberland, the 50-something-year-old American workwear brand, made itself one of the biggest things at Paris Fashion Week. By Instapaper Pocket 3 VIP Menswear brands are now rewarding their coolest customers with the ultimate flex: luxury vacations. By Instapaper Pocket 4 Cheers Japanese bartenders have a way with mastering deceptively simple cocktails. Right now, that’s the low-octane Campari Soda. By Instapaper Pocket 5 Tech According to the team at Gear Patrol, these are the gadgets you should watch for in 2024, from Apple’s Vision Pro and Samsung’s smartphones to KEF’s budget-friendly active loudspeakers. By Instapaper Pocket