Task Lamps
Don't just settle for overhead lighting. Invest in targeted or adjustable lighting to suit your needs.
Make your home office setup instantly better
The boys from HBO's Silicon Valley are experts at the WFH lifestyle.
As working from home becomes the new normal for so many companies, some of us are realizing that our setups could use a few more additions to make day-to-day working easier. They're not big upgrades—and some aren't the sexiest of options—but they will all make for a more comfortable, more productive and all around better workday. If we eventually make it back into the office ... we're bringing these with us.
Don't just settle for overhead lighting. Invest in targeted or adjustable lighting to suit your needs.
From a proper tablet stand for video chats to a retro keyboard that makes typing a pleasure.
Don't have the space (or the budget) to invest in a new office chair? Try a cushion and foot rest to improve the ergonomics for long bouts of sitting.
Royal seat cushion,
$79 by Purple
Adjustable tilting foot rest,
$24.99 by Mind Reader
From a cooler scratch pad and pen to scissors that double as a letter-and-box opener.
When working alone, taking breaks is important. So is avoiding distractions. This simple, graphic timer almost turns productivity into a game.
TimeCube digital timer,
$20 by Datexx