Shower Thoughts
They’re not all winners, but Reddit’s constantly updated list has some real gems now and then

⋆ “It’s highly probable that someone has your dream job and absolutely despises it.”
⋆ “Maybe the urinals were invented when a tall guy walked by a sink and thought ‘why not?’”
- ritzz2_0
⋆ “If Mario jumped into a pool of coins they would just disappear and he would hit the ground.”
⋆ “Whoever decided to spell ‘Wednesday’ the way that it is was a jerk.”
⋆ “Airports need to have small gym setups for weight lifting, yoga, etc. With the amount of waiting and sitting that takes place, 30 minutes of movement would go a long way.”
⋆ “Wearing pants but no shirt feels and is fine, but a shirt and no pants is horrible and feels disgusting.”