Shower Thoughts
They’re not all winners, but Reddit’s constantly updated list has some real gems now and then

⋆ “By the time you’re 30, you’ve had an entire month of Christmases.”
⋆ “Skipping with an imaginary rope is virtually as beneficial to your health as skipping with a real rope.”
⋆ “Lisa Simpson is easily the most famous female saxophone player of all time.”
⋆ “Blinking lights are way scarier than turned off lights.”
⋆ “In this day and age, a child’s belief in Santa Claus is a decent indicator that their parents don’t allow them unsupervised Internet access. In other words, Santa visits the houses of good parents.”
⋆ “When you’re young, you brag about how much you spent on something. When you’re older, you brag about how much you saved on something.”