Shower Thoughts
They're not all winners, but Reddit's constantly updated list has some real gems now and then

⋆ If you are alone when you crack open a peanut shell and eat the peanut inside, you are the only person in the world to have ever seen that peanut.
⋆ Being an adult is like one of those “choose your own adventure stories,” but every option sounds kind of terrible and costs way too much.
⋆ You could throw a rock into a lake and be the last person to ever touch that rock until the end of time.
⋆ Most rappers sing about being richer than they actually are. But most country singers sing about being poorer then they actually are.
⋆ If you are rich enough, parking tickets are just how much it costs to park there.
⋆ The Girl Scouts would sell way more cookies if they made the boxes smaller and placed them in vending machines in large office buildings.