How to Grow
the Perfect Mustache

How to
Grow the
Perfect Mustache
How to shape and care for your facial hair
November is a month dedicated to changing the face of men’s health globally. No Shave November and Movember utilize a dude's natural propensity for growing facial hair to raise money and awareness for the pressing issues facing men today—from mental health and suicide prevention to prostrate and testicular cancer. And hey, it's a good excuse to finally see what you look like with a beard or mustache. Since so many of us are working from home, it's less of a risk too.
A mustache isn't the off-putting facial addition it once was. Just Google “celebrity men's mustache” and you'll see that pretty much every A-lister has given it a try. In fact, that's a great way to see what style you should pursue. We asked Dr. Sheg Aranmolate, founder of Leovard—the grooming brand built for all types of skin and hair—for his tips for growing your best 'stache. His first recommendation? Start by letting your full beard grow out a bit. Once you get some length, you can start trimming back the beard and keeping the mustache. Herewith, Dr. Aranmolate's tips to keep your facial hair in top condition.
Keep It

$14 by Leovard
Beards can be washed with shampoo and conditioner, says Dr. Aranmolate, but mustaches don't require a full-on sudsing. You should, however, make sure that you use a face wash that works for both your skin and facial hair. This is why he created a multi-cleanser that not only exfoliates and cleans skin but soothes irritation and hydrates both the skin and facial hair.

$14 by Leovard
and Hydrate

Conditioning beard oil,
$37 by Haeckels
When it comes to mustache maintenance (as opposed to beard upkeep), less is more. But daily tasks like eating and drinking can leave your 'stache feeling a bit dry and stripped of its natural oils. Mustache hairs are thick and bristly to begin with, so when they get too dry, they can irritate your skin’and anyone who encounters your mustache. A drop or two of a nourishing oil not only softens and conditions the hair but keeps the skin underneath healthy. This one, from Haeckels, is a favorite because it blends hydrating Vitamin E and argan oil with seaweed extract to strengthen follicles.

Conditioning beard oil,
$37 by Haeckels
and Tame
Trimming is the key to keeping any facial hair looking well-kept and healthy, says Dr. Aranmolate. Trim the beard with a pair of scissors to eliminate loose stragglers and split-ends. You're aiming for a soft pyramid shape, stretching from the edges of your nose to the corners of your mouth, but no farther. Use a small comb to brush the hairs straight down over your lip and then use a pair of small, sharp scissors to snip the ends. A proper beard/mustache comb like Kent's is designed for all hair textures and is made from a flexible cellulose acetate that's gentle on hair.
Secret Weapon
If your mustache is a little lighter than your hair or maybe a bit more grey than you anticipated, you can dye it. Just For Men is a reliable drugstore brand with plenty of shades or True Sons is a modern option that’s a touch more subtle.