My Morning Routine
⇾ Ray Santos, Celebrity Barber
Working hard and sneaking in mindfulness with the in-demand barber

Ray Santos first got into barbering back in high school. “My haircuts weren't coming out as clean as I would've liked at my local neighborhood barbershops,” he tells me. So he went out and bought a pair of simple clippers and began practicing on himself. He discovered he had something of a talent for it. “From there, I grew an eye and a passion for keeping myself and my friends at school looking fresh, and here we are now.” Where are we, exactly? Santos is an in-demand celebrity barber, a member of the Gillette Barber Council, who is often jetting around the country keeping guys like the NBA's Miles Bridges, Zach LaVine and Kelly Oubre Jr. looking their best. He's also the founder of SANDALBOYZ, a line of modern slides that are inspired by musicians in the studio, surfers at the beach, and athletes before/after the game. Which is to say that Santos is a busy guy. But the reason why he's been so successful is because he's such a humble and easygoing guy—the type of person you want to work with or trust enough to literally put your head in his hands. We tagged along on one recent morning to see how he gets it all done and makes it look so easy.
The Series

Those moments between turning off the alarm and getting into our work routine can be the most defining 60 minutes of our day. Benjamin Franklin set a day's worth of plans by 5 am and Steve Jobs asked a simple question: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" Our rituals are a reflection of us. So we've ventured out to discover how some of our most influential and fruitful peers get started.

My Routine
I’m not naturally a morning person.
But, over the years, I've worked to get a pretty good morning routine going. Still, it doesn't come naturally to me. It takes a bit for me to wake up. I try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night.
And I definitely hit that snooze button.
Not always, but an alarm is definitely a must. I always allow myself two snoozes, and then wakeup on the third.
That’s not to say I’m not up early.
Pretty much everyday, I'm up around 8:15 am.
My nightstand is pretty simple, but stocked with the necessities.
I like to keep things somewhat minimal. So I've got a single plant, whatever essential oil I'm vibing with at the moment and a phone charger. I'll be honest. I don't always make the bed.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It all depends on the day, right?
The first notification I check on my phone? Usually it's the text messages and calls that came through while I was asleep. Then I might tap on Instagram. But I try to avoid scrolling on any social media first thing in the morning. That's a lot coming at you.
Every day is a little different, but without fail, I’ll do these three things ...
I'll start with a nice coffee first, then a workout at nine and then my dog, Louis, gets a proper walk.
I love my coffee.
Usually I'll make a shot of espresso or a proper cup of coffee with my Nespresso machine. It's so quick and satisfying. That and lots of water are my go-to morning beverages. Especially before a workout.
A good workout helps me mentally set the tone for the day. It’s a must.
I work out with one of my best friends, Cam, who's also a personal trainer. That makes it a whole lot more fun and keeps us accountable. We have a set schedule that ensures we stay on track.
I try to fit in some meditation and affirmations, too.
I usually like to meditate a bit and mentally prepare for the rest of my day during my morning workout. One of the biggest things I tell myself repeatedly is that I'm going to have a great day, because I believe I'm in full control of that.
Breakfast comes later.
I don't like to eat before a workout. So I'll usually eat breakfast by around 11 or 12. It always changes, but I'll grab a bite from somewhere in my neighborhood.
This is when I’ll finally able to do some admin tasks.
While I'm eating breakfast, I usually answer my emails. It's after the workout and my mind feels clear.
My grooming routine is pretty consistent.
I keep it pretty simple and rely on a few core, high-quality products I know I can trust. Every two to three days, I take my trimmer with the shortest attachment and trim my face down to a shadow/stubble look. I love the King C. Gillette Style Master—easy to use and to travel with whenever I'm on road. If I'm shaving my whole face, I use the GilletteLabs with Exfoliating Bar when I'm in the mood for a fresh restart. The razor exfoliates and shaves in one stroke, and I've turned a lot of clients onto it. I want to make my grooming routine feel less like a chore and more like a pleasurable experience, and better tools help you do that.
I look at shaving as an opportunity to have some moments of mindfulness.
I used to shave or trim my facial hair in the morning once a week, and it felt like a chore that I had to do. But lately, I've started rocking a mustache and I look forward to trimming and taking care of it. I firmly believe when you look good, you feel good, so freshening up my facial hair is a great way to start the day on the right foot.

Clockwise, from top left
Style Master cordless trimmer,
$39.99 by King C. Gillette
Superfood cleanser,
$39 by Youth to the People
Play Everyday
SPF 50 lotion,
$34 by Supergoop
Fast absorbing moisturizer,
$15 by GilletteLabs
Sandalwood deodorant,
$9 by Every Man Jack
Classic lip balm,
$3.69 (for 3-pack) by Chapstick
$21.95 by STMNT Grooming Goods
$21.95 by STMNT Grooming Goods
Exfoliating Bar razor,
$23 by GilletteLabs
Tonka 25 cologne,
from $97 by Le Labo

$39 by Youth
to the People
Play Everyday
SPF 50 lotion,
$34 by Supergoop
Fast absorbing moisturizer,
$15 by GilletteLabs
Sandalwood deodorant,
$9 by Every Man Jack
Classic lip balm,
$3.69 (for 3-pack) by Chapstick
$21.95 by STMNT
Grooming Goods
$21.95 by STMNT
Grooming Goods
Tonka 25 cologne,
from $97 by Le Labo
Exfoliating Bar
razor, $23
by GilletteLabs
Style Master
cordless trimmer,
$39.99 by
King C. Gillette
Getting dressed for the day is pretty easy.
Since I have a rotation of work clothes, I'll usually just pick out my fit in the morning if it's a standard work day. If I have an event or something, I'll put some thought into that the night before.
Never leave
home without ...
Never leave home without ...
My bottle of water. I always make sure I stay hydrated. And this reminds me to keep on drinking water throughout the day.
One liter water bottle,YETI
$28 by