A skincare expert with more than 15 years of experience in the grooming game, J.P. Mastey was the guy who turned Baxter of California into a cult-favorite brand for stylish men. He's also a cool California dude with an appreciation for vintage cars and all-natural products. When it came to the latter, he says he looked for quality options in the market but when he couldn't find what he was looking for, he decided to make his own. And after many years of experimentation, he created Corpus, an effective, natural deodorant with no compromises—one that we wholeheartedly endorse. Ironically, this master experimenter says he's not always ready to try new things. As Mastey himself puts it, "at 43 years old, breaking habits and creating new rituals doesn't come easy, but having a three-year-old certainly creates change." The well-groomed entrepreneur likes to keep things simple, but struggles to put his phone down like the rest of us.
The Series

Those moments between turning off the alarm and getting into our work routine can be the most defining 60 minutes of our day. Benjamin Franklin set a day's worth of plans by 5 am and Steve Jobs asked a simple question: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" Our rituals are a reflection of us. So we've ventured out to discover how some of our most influential and fruitful peers get started.

My Routine
I don't use an alarm to wake up ...
I actually have a pretty good internal clock and it's currently set to 7:30 am. Give or take 10 minutes or so.
I have been reading lately about the importance of good sleep.
Our culture doesn't respect it and we pay the price with our health. Sleep is just as important as eating well and exercising. So I've been making it a priority to get between seven and eight hours of sleep every night.
Shamefully, the first thing I do is check my iPhone.
It's all about finding out if something needs to be addressed immediately and it gives me an idea of what's ahead for the day. But I'm not on it much before I see my three-year-old daughter, Chloe. Getting a hug and kiss from her always puts me in a good mood.
It's funny how routines change.
Three years ago, I would've said that the most important part of my morning was a big, strong cup of coffee. It has always been such a strong ritual that it sets things in place for me. But now, I would say getting some Chloe time has taken the lead.
I have a glass of water with lemon.
Usually with another quick check-in on my phone. Back to email, where I usually open the daily Bring-a-Trailer newsletter and try not to spend too much time looking at things I'm not really going to buy. I check the stock market: is it up, is it down? How is Apple doing, and a handful of cannabis companies I'm rooting for.
Shower time is my quiet time.
I take advantage of the lack of distractions and think about what needs to be achieved and what I want to achieve in the day. It's something I have always done and it serves me well. I am well aware that preparation helps, but running a new start-up means that I need to be ultra-flexible and expect the unexpected.
I make my coffee at home and take it with oat milk.
Same goes for the office where I have a post-lunch coffee taken the same way. When it comes to coffee, spare me the fancy stuff ... I go for a classic espresso roast and don't think about the origin etc. I usually sip it while getting Chloe ready for school. Then, if I'm being honest, I glance at my phone as I remind myself that I already looked at it more than I should, and tell myself it can wait until I get to the office. Some days I win, some days I don't.
My breakfast is a simple smoothie.
What started out as a healthy change turned into a daily favorite. I whip up a quick smoothie with blueberries, a handful of greens, and I usually throw in a few powders and seeds.
I usually don't have much time for fitness in the morning.
If I don't work out in the morning, I make sure to fit it in later in the evening. It's the treadmill, some classic skipping rope and medicine ball routines I inherited from many years of amateur boxing.
I use my calendar, but it's more for appointments and calls.
I still rely on an old school paper to-do list where things get crossed off and, if not, they get added to the following day's list.
My shower and sink look like a bit like a laboratory.
I usually have 10 to 20 two-ounce lab samples of products that I am testing for Corpus. Most won't get approved, but it's my product development and road map process. I road test all of it. The only animal we test our products on is me! So I don't use a lot of other grooming products at the moment.

Clockwise, from top left
Santalum natural deodorant,
$22 by Corpus
After shave balm,
$19 by Baxter of California
Adjustable beard trimmer,
$49.69 by Philips Norelco
Pure Hawaiian spirulina powder,
$37.23 by Nutrex
Espresso roast coffee,
$8.99 by The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Supima cotton sweatshirt,
$135 by James Perse
3x5 To-Do cards,
$12 by Levenger

natural deodorant,
$22 by Corpus
After shave balm,
$19 by Baxter of California
Adjustable beard trimmer,
$49.69 by Philips Norelco
$37.23 by
Espresso roast coffee,
$8.99 by The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
3x5 To-Do cards,
$12 by Levenger
cotton sweatshirt,
$135 by James Perse
“I add just enough so that it does not overpower my smoothie's flavor.”
I might use a razor two or three times a year.
When I do, it's a combo of Harry's and Baxter. Mostly, it's just a beard trimmer that I use two, maybe three times a month. Very low maintenance.
I'm pretty casual with my style.
I'm a simple Cali kid, so it's jeans and a T-shirt. I like James Perse ... the JP? They're practically pre-monogrammed for me! I basically open my closet and ask, "Hey Siri, what's the weather today?" And her answer determines short or long-sleeves, or if a sweatshirt is required. I'm casual almost all the time.
The last decision before I leave the house is sometimes the hardest.
I'm fortunate to have a few modes of transportation so the only pause here comes with which car keys to grab.