My Morning Routine
⇾ Jeremy Kirkland,
Podcast Host
Waking up with the friendliest guy in menswear

If you follow menswear, then you know Jeremy Kirkland. You'd definitely recognize his smiling street style pics. He's not the type to give off the usual bored, aloof looks—he's having too good of a time. A true enthusiast of style, menswear history and pop culture, this modern renaissance man is always game to talk shop, which is ultimately what lead him to found Blamo!, the preeminent podcast focused on the personalities and individuals making waves in the fashion industry. The always affable Kirkland has a knack for getting guys (cool designers, athletes and industry big wigs) to loosen up and talk freely on his show. The in-depth conversations are relaxed and always leave the listener better informed on a myriad of topics, from personal style to achieving one's goals. We caught up with Kirkland, who's prepping the launch of Blamo's sixth season next week. Which means now's the time to catch-up before the new episodes drop on August 19.
The Series

Those moments between turning off the alarm and getting into our work routine can be the most defining 60 minutes of our day. Benjamin Franklin set a day's worth of plans by 5 am and Steve Jobs asked a simple question: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" Our rituals are a reflection of us. So we've ventured out to discover how some of our most influential and fruitful peers get started.

My Routine
I wake up around 6:30, to the sound of my toddler.
She greets me with a big hug and an armful of books she wants to read together. It's hard to have a bad day when you start with a toddler who wants to read about belly buttons and hippos ...
I'm ashamed to admit, but the first thing I do is grab my phone.
Before getting out of bed, I'll scroll through any important emails and read the New York Times headlines. After that, a quick shower and start on breakfast for my daughter, Harriet. Right now, she loves fruit and waffles.
For me, I like a light breakfast.
Greek yogurt with blueberries, almonds, chia seeds and a tiny bit of honey. It keeps me going and helps prevent me from snacking before lunch.
I'm into cold showers at the moment.
Other than reading with my daughter, a cold shower has become one of the most important parts of my morning. It really wakes me up and gets me going. A while back, I had Kevin Rose on the show and he sold me on the Wim Hof method. I can now confirm that a cold shower does wonders.
I like taking a walk with my dog to prepare for the day.
There's something about walking my dog, Peggy, in the morning that clears my head and sets the tone for my whole day. It's just enough time to mentally process my schedule and think about my daily goals.
I drink an excessive amount of coffee.
But honestly, lately, I've been trying to cut back. (From more than four, down to two a day!) I usually hit up my favorite spot, BitterSweet and get a cold brew ... always cold brew.
I can never workout in the morning.
Despite many efforts to do so, it just never works. So I'll usually run in the afternoon or early evening. I have a Spotify playlist with Thin Lizzy, Tom Petty and a bunch of 70's rock. My mile times have never been better.
I've been using Fantastical for years.
I use it on both my iPhone and Mac and rely on it heavily. It's a killer calendar app that combines your reminders and meetings and is far better than the stock apps, in my opinion.
I basically keep a constant stubble.
I tend to shave my face every couple of days with an electric trimmer.
I don't do the 10-step Korean beauty routine, but I do my best.
As a bald(ing) guy, all I have left is my face—no Peaky Blinders haircut, no incredible side part—it's all I've got. I shave my head once a week with a Wahl razor (no guard), then apply a cold towel and tea tree oil to remedy the redness. Once that is out of the way, I move over to the important stuff.
I have really dry skin and it's extremely sensitive. I used to get red blotches all over my face and a flakey nose that made me look like I spent too much time on a ski slope. I have invested close to 15 years mixing and matching different routines and I think I've got it down to something more manageable.

Clockwise, from top left
Rescue water lotion,
$38 by Lab Series
Black Tea age-delay eye cream,
$68 by Fresh
Aventus cologne,
$325 by Creed
Parsley Seed anti-oxidant serum,
$75 by Aesop
Men's multivitamins,
$14.99 by Rainbow Light
Essential C moisturizer with SPF 30,
$65 by Murad
Soy face cleanser,
$38 by Fresh

Soy face cleanser,
$38 by Fresh
Rescue water lotion,
$38 by Lab Series
Black Tea
age-delay eye cream,
$68 by Fresh
Essential C moisturizer with SPF 30,
$65 by Murad
Men's multivitamins,
$14.99 by Rainbow Light
Parsley Seed
anti-oxidant serum,
$75 by Aesop
Aventus cologne,
$325 by Creed
“One of the few cleansers that doesn't dry out my face.”
“Yes, fam, you gotta use a serum.”
I dress depending on my day.
If I have a lot of client meetings or am recording pods, I'll grab some combination of a jacket and trousers. These days it's a been a P. Johnson jacket, and Hertling trousers. If I'm editing or in the office, it's been a navy polo and a pair of baggies. Patagonia, I love you.
I feel naked leaving the house without a watch.
I'm usually wearing my Seiko 6139 Pogue or my Rolex GMT.
His Skincare Secret Weapon
"Verso's Night Cream is expensive but incredible. You can be out late and put this stuff on and people will think you got 12 hours sleep. I used to think night cream was a joke until I used this. Not kidding."
$110 by Verso