We all have slow days at work. The day after you've finished a big project, or a boring day during the year's usual slow period. Sometimes you just can't muster the motivation to get something accomplished. But instead of wasting your day scrolling through social media or falling into a Reddit blackhole, do one (or all) of these quick tasks to energize yourself and get a quick boost of confidence and accomplishment. After all, you've got the time to try it, right?

Takes: Two minutes
Want to boost your energy and efficiency on a particularly slow and lagging day? Stand up and get your blood moving. Do a lap around the office or tackle a flight of stairs. Or do some proper stretches. Head to the bathroom (so you don't look silly) and reach up to the sky and feel your whole body elongate. Bend at the waist and grab your calves. Stand up, take a few deep breaths and return to your desk energized.

Clear Your Desk
Takes: Five to 15 minutes
When you're busy, it's easy to let your desk get messy. But a clean workspace will help you accomplish your tasks with a clearer mind when the work picks up again. Here's the key to properly clearing your desk: shut down your computer to avoid getting sucked into a distraction. Whether you're working in an office or working from home, take a few minutes to get rid of those items lying around that you don't use each day. File old paperwork and streamline the old sticky notes you have attached everywhere.
Complete a Quick Online Errand
Takes: Two to five minutes
You know that article you've been meaning to send to your mother? That item from Amazon you've been thinking about ordering? The restaurant you're wanting to look up before you try it this weekend? Choose one of those short errands and spend two minutes completing it.

Takes: Anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes
Slow days provide the opportunity to learn something new or work on strengthening a weaker talent. And as long as you truly don't have anything to do, most employers love to see workers showing initiative to increase their value on their own. Search for free online webinars you can attend—ones connected to your industry or field that could help with the parts of your job you think you could be better at. Or search for TEDTalks that might inspire you, boost your creativity or share hacks that could make you better at your job.
Text Someone
Takes: One minute
Don't we all owe someone a text? Take a minute or two and check in with someone you care about. Perhaps it's a family member that you've left hanging after they texted you days ago. Or maybe it's a friend you've been thinking about lately. Shoot off a quick text to them and you'll feel accomplished and relieved you no longer have that task in the back of your mind.
Volume 10 // 2018
31 Days is back ... And 2018 marks its tenth iteration. When we started this a decade ago, we never imagined that these daily guides to being better men would take off and become one of Valet.'s most popular series of all time. So thank you for your continued support and belief in our mission. This year, we're focusing on productivity—ways in which you can streamline and improve your days to make your job less stressful, your work more efficient and your life run just a bit more smoothly. It's time to raise your game.
1Get a Jump Start
on Your Day -
2Slow Day?
Energize! -
3The Power of
Saying "No" -
4Faster Haircut =
Better Haircut -
5Casey Neistat on
Productivity -
Your Sneakers -
7Save Money
Traveling -
Slower -
9Stay in
Shape -
10The "Good Day"
Drug -
11Get Bumped ...
for Good -
12Tim Ferriss on
Doing It All -
Style Hacks -
14Get a
Raise -
Shit Done -
16A Successful
Morning -
Your Focus -
Your Grooming -
19Jeff Bezos on
Making Decisions -
20Fixing a
Bad Haircut -
21Learn a
New Hobby -
22Dress for
Success -
23Success at
Any Age -
Yourself -
25Get Out of
a Meeting -
26Jay-Z on the
Keys to Success -
27Bad Breath
Hacks -
28Master Your
Credit Cards -
Myths -
30The First
5 Minutes -
31Be Better at