Moisturizing is the key to good, healthy looking skin. It starts right out of the shower and I tell the dudes I work with to moisturize from head to toe. After you towel off, while it's still steamy, rub in a quality moisturizer of your choice all over your face and body to lock in the moisture. It's an easy way to keep your skin in peak condition. Guys don't want to bother with things like under eye creams and thankfully you don't need to worry about a little blemish or two—men are allowed to have imperfections.

A man's hair should be effortlessly cool. Don't spend too much time on it. Wash it with a gentle, fortifying shampoo like California Born's sulfate-free shampoo and then towel dry it. You want to get your hair 80% dry and then apply some product. Use whatever works for your hair, but I really like Days of Dirt's hair grooming cream. Take a pea-sized amount, rub it between your hands to warm it up and then work it in. And as a rule, don't get your hair cut the day before a date.

Finishing Touches
Make sure your nose hairs and fingernails are trimmed. Before you head out, apply some cologne. Which kind you choose is a personal choice, but for me, I like a sweet, slightly floral smell like Byredo’s La Tulipe. And don't forget your breath. That's something you don't want to worry about on a date or any big event. I always keep those tiny Altoids on me and make sure to send my clients out with a handful of them in their pocket. They're potent, but you don't really see them when you're talking.