Maybe you don't need to exfoliate. Maybe your skin's clear and as soft as a baby's butt. But for most men, exfoliating is a quick and easy way to remove all those dead cells that build up on the skin's surface which can end up clogging pores and leaving your skin flaky, ruddy and itchy. And while it's not necessary (your body sheds skin cells naturally), exfoliating will make you look and feel better. Think of it like mopping your floor. You're removing all the grit and grime and leaving a clean surface. Your skin will be smoother, brighter and you'll be less likely to itch or break out. Two notes of caution: Don't do this everyday (twice a week should be fine) and don't scrub too hard—let the product do the work.
Raw Materials, $25
Use a face scrub in the shower, massaging the product into skin with small circles. The steam will help open up your pores and it's the perfect preshave treatment, lifting whiskers away from the skin and preventing ingrown hairs.
Kiehl's, $28
You don't have to be as delicate with your legs and arms as you are with your face. Rub in big circular motions and take a couple of extra minutes to focus on tougher areas like the knees, elbows and feet.
Natural Pumice, $2.50
No need to have a loofa hanging in the shower, but this natural volcanic rock removes hard, callused skin and smoothes cracked heels (or any particularly rough patches) with a quick sanding before or during a shower.
Molton Brown, $22
Don't want a lot of different products? This invigorating soap has you covered. The manly-scented brick (which lasts twice as long as other bars) is loaded with real cracked peppercorns that slough away dead skin cells while you lather up.