Why You Only Wear 13% of Your Clothes

Quick, take a mental inventory of your closet at home. Then think about the clothes you normally wear day in and day out. Chances are, what you actually wear is only a small portion of your entire wardrobe. But you're not alone. A recent study of more than 1,000 adults revealed that men only wear about 13 percent of their clothes. That other 87 percent? Yeah, it sits in the closet waiting to see the light of day. The study, commissioned by virtual styling service Thread.com, also found that men spend on average $1,020 per year on their clothing compared to the $945 spent by women.

Explaining the jump in men's spending on clothes they will never wear, a spokesman from Thread theorized that it was because some men listen to their partners when pushed to buy clothes they don't particularly want to wear. Another theory? "A lot of men prioritize comfort and the security of knowing that items have been worn-in," says Thread style director and ex-Burberry stylist, Shaunie Brett. "As these figures show, most guys feel so attached to a handful of items that they will be worn until they are falling apart."

Just bought another blue shirt to go with the other 40+ I already own. #uniform

A photo posted by Cory Ohlendorf (@mrohlendorf) on

Just bought another blue shirt to go with the other 40+ I already own. #uniform

A photo posted by Cory Ohlendorf (@mrohlendorf) on

Hopefully, we can all do our part to stop this needless spending and hoarding of clothes we don't really want. The first step? Clear out your closet of stuff you're not going to wear. The second step? Adhere to the old adage of buying less, but buying better. Stick to quality pieces you invest in and you'll be sure to get the necessary wear out it.

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