5 Easy Ways to Save Money
at Whole Foods

In June, it was announced that Amazon would buy Whole Foods Market in a $13.7 billion acquisition, and today the deal is officially closing. But even before it was official, we learned that Whole Foods would be lowering prices—starting today. Citing a commitment to making "high-quality, natural and organic food" more affordable, Jeff Wilke, CEO of Amazon Worldwide Consumer, said that many of their most popular staples will be reduced in price. So today, whole trade bananas, organic avocados, brown eggs, salmon, humanely-raised ground beef, almond butter, Fuji apples and even rotisserie chicken will cost you less than the last time you shopped at Whole Foods. And even though prices are expected to continue to drop, the store can still be a dangerous and beguiling place to navigate. So heed these smart-shopping hacks and keep more cash in your bank account.

Have Things Cut for You
One easy way to waste money is to buy things you won't use. Why pay more for a large wedge of cheese or cut of meat if you don't need it? You can ask the person behind the counter for half a chicken breast, or to cut off just a sliver of this smoked gouda (trust us, they don't care). You can also ask someone in produce to hand-cut a large squash, melon or cabbage for you as well.

Shop the 365 Brand
The shop's house label, 365, offers high quality ingredients for prices that are not just lower than the national brand names, but they're competitive with standard store's generic items and those found at places like Trader Joe's. And, according to news reports, the 365 line will soon be sold on Amazon as well.
Don't Sleep on the Salad Bar
Need just a little something for a recipe or short on time? Check out all the fresh, already chopped fruits and vegetables in the salad bar. It's the perfect place to pick up a quarter-cup of edamame or a few chopped mushrooms. But keep in mind, you're paying by the pound, so skip the heavy pre-cooked pasta and rice.

Buy by the Case
The store will automatically give you a 10% discount on nearly anything you buy by the case (or when buying 12 or more of an item). This is available on everything from packaged snacks and protein bars to bottles of wine. So if you know you like something and buy it often, then opt for the case and start racking up the savings.
Order Online
This isn't exactly a Whole Foods-specific hack, but a foolproof way to spend less at the grocery store. When you order online, you're forced to make and stick to a list rather than fall prey to impulse purchases or be seduced by end-cap displays and free samples. Whole Foods offers delivery through the Instacart service and while there's a fee, if you sign up for the Express membership, it all but pays for itself if you regularly use the service.