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Leather Gloves
It's finally cold enough to upgrade my worn-out gloves. I'm thinking a good pair of leather ones. Who makes the best?
- Bill, Pittsburgh, PA
Cold weather has a propensity to numb our hands quicker than any other body part. But a good pair of leather gloves will keep your paws thawed while providing enough maneuverability to hold a cup of coffee or your phone. And many of them today are touch-screen compatible. Since they're durable enough to last you, don't be afraid to drop some decent coin on them. And thankfully, now is when a lot go on sale. Herewith, some of the best options for your money.
H&M, $34.99
John W. Nordstrom,$89.50 / $44.75
Club Monaco, $119.50 / $69.30
(with code JANUARY)
Styling Tip
When not in use, tuck your gloves into a pocket—back, front, or suit—with the fingers slightly hanging out. It adds some texture and flair to your winter wardrobe.